Once your product branding is done, we can help you roll it out across all your marketing collateral.

Product branding projects are large and take time, but once you’re finally there, you’ll then need to apply your branding to other materials.

These might include things like social media graphics, packaging for additional SKUs, your website and print work.

As a full-service agency, Toast provides brand application services for clients of all sizes.

We call this: Brand Application.

  • You work with a larger agency to create all your top-level branding
  • We then pick this up and apply it to all your other materials
  • This saves you time and budget by working with a more affordable team

Get started

Helping Jack & Bry apply their branding.

Our friends at Jack & Bry had the main elements of their logo and branding done by a larger London-based agency.

Once this work was done, we then rolled the branding out over other design collateral such as packaging.

See the design work

Save budget by placing the appropriate jobs with the right sized agency.

Not all food branding agencies are the same. Typically they are grouped into small agencies (or freelancers), mid-sized (like Toast) or large agencies like 1HQ.

  • Larger agencies typically focus on the top-level branding for projects with significant budgets and will work on other elements of the project outside of the creative.
  • Medium-sized agencies also have the project branding covered, but are more affordable whilst still having the capacity work on larger projects
  • Small agencies or freelancers are typically 1–3 people and are often best placed to work on smaller projects

If you’ve worked with a large agency on the top-level aspects of your product and its branding, we can help you with everything else.

Many of our clients come to Toast when they’ve invested significantly in the top-level branding work and need a creative agency with the capacity and the ability to quickly turn around other creative parts of the project.

You still need the quality and the capacity, but you don’t need the London-agency price tag.


We help a lot of our clients with more ‘bread and butter’ work such as:

  • Applying your branding to new SKUs
  • Updating packaging as details change
  • Applying your branding to your company stationery
  • Your overall corporate identity or brand identity
  • Producing slide decks and stakeholder materials
  • Creating a print-based corporate style guide
  • Advertising and promotional materials


  • Social media campaigns and graphics
  • Brochures and marketing collateral
  • Sub-brand development
  • Websites and e-commerce
  • Video and interactive
  • Website support and SEO
Applying Branding

A smaller agency can have bigger benefits.

Smaller projects matter more to mid-sized and smaller agencies.

A lot of our clients tell us how amazed they are at our ability to turn around projects quickly, but without compromising quality or understanding.

Whether it’s quickly updating the nutritional information across 40 SKUs or putting together a set of social media graphics, our 14 staff are on-hand to work as your brand guardian and creative partner – efficiently getting what you need to be done when you need it.

Another advantage to a smaller team is that the whole agency understands the project. There’s no need to feel like you are reiterating the brief to yet another new point of contact.

Talk to Toast


Being more affordable doesn’t mean cheap.

We are based in Oxfordshire, and our operating expenses are simply less than those of London-based agencies.

This means we make an affordable alternative to more expensive agencies, with no reduction in the quality of the service we provide.

The clients whose brand application we look after don’t experience a drop-off in creativity, attention to detail or turnaround, they simply get it at a more affordable rate due to reduced operating costs.

Start saving some budget

Food brand application

We’ll become your Brand Guardians.

When your branding is ready to roll out, we can take care of the whole process by applying it to everything you need.

We’ll strengthen your brand guidelines, ensure that everything is pixel-perfect and save you time and budget from day one.

We do this for lots of food brands so everything is in safe hands with Toast.

Get in touch for a free initial 30-minute consultation.

Book a FREE 30-minute consultation meeting

Looking to save some time and budget applying your new branding?

We can become your brand guardians: we'll take your brand and apply it across all your packaging, print and social media. Complete the form and we'll arrange a project chat.
